||500 >-< WARI The game of stones and stores 2 players = <- Equipment 36 game pieces playing board - Start: Each player puts 3 pieces in each of the six places on their side of the board. - The Play: Pick up all the pieces from any one of the six spaces on your side of the board. Moving counter-clockwise put one piece in each space you come to (either yours or your opponents). If you hit your store you can put one piece there. That piece is considered to have been "won". If you hit you opponents store you must pass over it dropping no piece and continuing on. - Special: If the last piece from your turn is dropped into your store you may take another turn. - Capturing Pieces: If the last piece from your turn lands in an empty space then you capture all the pieces in the space opposite. Remove all of the captured pieces and the single piece and put them in your store. End of turn. - Game Ends: The game ends when all six of your spaces are empty. Your opponent then collects all the pieces left on their side and places them in his store. - Scoring: Count all the pieces in your store. Each counts for one point. - Matches: Most games of Wari are played in Matches of 3 rounds.